Hi everyone

I'm receiving error message during the simulation of 11th month of 2026....

SRF variables written at 2026-11-22 18:00:00 UTC        
 RAD variables written at 2026-11-22 18:00:00 UTC        
 $$$ 2026-11-22 21:00:00 UTC, ktau   =           187704
 $$$ 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps   =  0.16177E-02 0.82030E-05
 $$$  no. of points w/convection =       2
 SRF variables written at 2026-11-22 21:00:00 UTC        
 MAXVAL ATEN T :   6.3662561411677929    
 II :          31 , JJ :          42 , KK :          15
 MAXVAL ATEN U :   4.9854891406363127    
 II :          36 , JJ :          42 , KK :           6
 MAXVAL ATEN V :   5.5938246218982153    
 II :          36 , JJ :          42 , KK :           6
 No more atmosphere here....
 CFL violation detected, so model STOP

 #            DECREASE DT !!!!       #
 -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
  Fatal in file: mod_tendency.F90 at line:     1536
 Abort called by computing node            3 at 2013-10-09 13:26:59.240 +0500
mpirun has exited due to process rank 3 with PID 3606 on
node shoaib-desktop exiting without calling "finalize". This may
have caused other processes in the application to be
terminated by signals sent by mpirun (as reported here).

Can anybody help ?

Best regards

Uzair Mannan
Cell: +923323489950
NED University of Engineering & Technology

Karachi, Pakistan