Hi RegCNETers,

I wanted to find out if I want to do some soil moisture perturbations in BATs where do I find these programmes to change in RegCM- In RegCM3, there are interf.F and initb.F.

As for postproc, I cant find postproc.in in any of the folders, could you please kindly assist me on how I should go about creating my final outputs.

I also noticed that using the test.001.in I get a few variables in SRFxxxxxx.nc ATMxxxxxx.nc etc. How can I increase the variables to include the uwind, vwind, T2m, rt which are missing but vital to what I want to do?

Please kindly assist. Thanking you in advance.
Marshall L. Mdoka
Head of Section
Geography and Environmental Science,
Monash South Africa,
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Johannesburg, South Africa
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Email: marshall.mdoka@monash.edu
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