Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to submit an abstract for our Biogeosciences (co-sponsored by Atmospheric Sciences and Hydrology) session B010 "Bridging scales in soil-plant-atmosphere interactions" at the Fall 2013 AGU meeting. This would be an excellent opportunity to bring work using regional models to a wide and varied audience.
Translating process understanding at small scales into larger-scale models of soil-plant-atmosphere interactions is an important challenge. Process interactions at local and regional scales can control the behavior at larger scales; thus, measurements and models are not necessarily commensurate across scales. The session seeks work that addresses underlying processes governing interactions between water, carbon, and nitrogen in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum at various scales, and how these processes may be represented in models. We encourage presentations that include field measurements, data-model-fusion approaches, and modeling and observational hierarchies that can bridge scales in soil-plant-atmosphere interactions.
Confirmed speakers include Andrew Guswa of Smith College and A. Park Williams of Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Abstract submission is open and the deadline is August 6th. Please feel free to forward this invitation to others.
Kind Regards,
Richard Keim
Louisiana State University
Delphis Levia
University of Delaware
Rodrigo Vargas
University of Delaware
Sara Rauscher
Los Alamos National Laboratory (now at University of Delaware)