What are you mean by extract? is it mean that how you select this variable from the output and put it in file or your question is about how can you have the RH from the regcm4 output?
for the first you can use the cdo as the following;

cdo selname, var_name infile outfile

but if your question about how you can get the RH then the way is ;

just go to the location of your output and then run the sigma2p execute program in the Bin folder in the RegCM-4.1.1 like the following

>/home/climate/RegCM-4.x/Bin/sigma2p climate_ATM.2001050100.nc

then you will have a file like climate_ATM.2001050100_pressure.nc and the variable rh is the relative humidity which you want to get.

hope this help

Mohamed Ibrahim El-Sayed OMAR
Egyptian Meteorological Authority
Scientific Research Department
Climate Studies Centre
Kobry El-Quobba, P.O.Box. 11784
Cairo, EGYPT
Mobil phone  : 002 01060802805 
Home Phone : 002 0482370261

From: "layesarr@ucad.sn" <layesarr@ucad.sn>
To: regcnet@ictp.it
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 1:33 PM
Subject: [RegCNET] rh from regcm4 output

Hi all,

Any hint to extract relative hum or dew point from regcm4 outputs?



Universite Cheikh Anta DIOP - DAKAR

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