if you want to get the SLP and geopotential height you should do the following postproc;
go to the location of your output and then run the sigma2p execute
program in the Bin folder in the RegCM-4.1.1 like the following
>/home/climate/RegCM-4.1.1/Bin/sigma2p climate_ATM.2001050100.nc
then you will have a file like climate_ATM.2001050100_pressure.nc variables hgt and mslp which you want to get.
i hope this will help
TugbaThank you very much in advance.What can I do to produce these parameters?I could not find SLP and geopotential height in the files.Dear All,I have long term simulation results by RegCM 4.1.1.
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Mohamed Ibrahim El-Sayed OMAR
Egyptian Meteorological Authority
Scientific Research Department
Climate Studies Centre
Kobry El-Quobba, P.O.Box. 11784
Cairo, EGYPT