On 16 January 2013 13:49, Graziano Giuliani <ggiulian@ictp.it> wrote:
On 01/16/2013 09:11 AM, James Ciarlo` wrote:

I was analysing the input and output of a test simulation using the AERO
chemistry setting and have encountered two problems. first of all with the
icbc2netcdf and rcm2netcdf commands, they seem to be still in the old
system (RegCM4.0) and thus I cannot create grads compatible files to
analyse the chem input and output.

You need to use the GradsNcPrepare to crate the ctl file.
[...] The problem here is that I still can only view one file at a time since the files are separated by months. The rcm2netcdf and icbc2netcdf could group those togther.


Also, there seems to be no che output despite the regcm.in settings. This
is the list of input and output files produced

It seems you are not even using chem. Please set ichem to 1 and try again.
[...] Ok in this case I made the mistake of thinking that the variable was ifchem, I'll re-run the simulation
