Dear RegCNET,
I have successfully installed RegCM4.3.5.1 and successfully ran without problems.
However, I have followed the userguide in the creation of the file for a customized simulation. However, I am getting an error on the terrain run. The error is shown below:
Static texture data successfully read in
Interpolated texture on model GRID
Fudging data (if requested) succeeded
No file to read
No such file or directory
In File mod_ncstream.F90 at line: 242
nc_stream : Cannot create file ~/SimRuns/che_test/input/
abort: Fortran Abort Called
file because this was never needed before, but the clima-dods or users.ictp website site do not have this file either. Also, I do not understand why this has been called now and not before. There was no setting for snow as far as I know.