Dear all,
I have some problems now with compiling the RegCM-4.1.1
And here is what is shown on the terminal when I "./configure" :
# Welcome to the RegCM configuration! #
This script will help you to setup the RegCM distribution
with some simple questions. Default options [between square brackets]
will be assumed if you don't select valid options.
**** Please enter the path to your RegCM distribution:
[ /export/chenhua/regcm/RegCM-4.1.1 ]
regcm_root =
Assuming default path as RegCM root...
**** Please enter the path where the RegCM binaries will be stored:
[ /export/chenhua/regcm/RegCM-4.1.1/Bin ]
bin_dir =
Assuming default path for RegCM binaries...
sh: nc-config: command not found
sh: nc-config: command not found
Unable to find a working NetCDF. Please input a valid path...
For NetCDF library = /export/chenhua/regcm/netcdff/lib
For NetCDF include files = /export/chenhua/regcm/netcdff/include
NetCDF library found...
sh: nc-config: command not found
!!!! The following options are all documented in detail
on the eForge wiki page and in the RegCM Users' Guide,
so please check there for more information.
I just do not know why there would be "sh: nc-config: command not found
sh: nc-config: command not found " .
So could anyone help me ! I badly need your help! Thanks!