Hi Tamene
We faced a similar problem and thanks to Solomon,he solved this problem by changing some parts of codes. The solution is in the following
I hope that it will help you
Best Wishes

Dear Hamza,


I faced similar problem when I was trying to read the ECHAM SST data in RegCM-4.1 preprocessor. When I check the SST code, I found two errors in "mod_sst_eh5om.f90" file under "RegCM-4.1/PreProc/ICBC" folder. If you make the following corrections, you will successfully read the SST data.


Line 265, replace "ieh5ostart = 1989010100" with "ieh5ostart = 1941010100" and

Line 376, replace "ieh5orec = idatediff(idate, ieh5ostart)" with "ieh5orec = idatediff(idate, ieh5ostart)/idtbc + 1"


I hope this will solve your problem as it worked for me.


Best regards,



Dear Hamza,


The icbc program of the RegCM-4.1 has problem in reading the global window parameters. They have fixed this problem in RegCM4.1.1 (which is released last week after our email exchange).


 But, there are two minor problems in ICBC of RegCM-4.1.1.


First, you need to change the "ieh5ostart = 1989010100" in mod_sst_eh5om.f90 to "ieh5ostart = 1941010100" if you want to run ECHAM data for RF scenario (line 265).


Second, the "dattyp" in icbc.f90 for ECHAM is not correct. You may need to replace the four wrong types ('EH5RF', 'EH5A2','EH5B1' and 'EHA1B' ) by 'EH5OM' in icbc.f90. You have to do this replacement in three places within icbc.f90 (lines 131-133, 175-176, and 217-218).


If you use RegCM-4.1.1 with above two corrections, you will solve your problem.


Best wishes,
