the following links are for the global eh5om dataset and the sea surface temperature dataset for all data.
you can use the wget command to download the data
I hope that help
Mohamed Ibrahim El-Sayed OMAR
Egyptian Meteorological Authority
Scientific Research Department
Climate Studies Centre
Kobry El-Quobba, P.O.Box. 11784
Cairo, EGYPT
Mobil phone  : 002 01060802805 
Home Phone : 002 0482370261

From: Marcus De Andre Williams <moneymd@uga.edu>
To: "regcnet@lists.ictp.it" <regcnet@lists.ictp.it>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 11:20 PM
Subject: [RegCNET] Future simulation using EH5OM data

Hello All,

I would like to run a future simulation (For Africa) using the EH5OM data, but I have a few questions

1) Does anyone know if the data is archived at an ftp site, or is only available from http://users.ictp.it/%7Epubregcm/RegCM4/globedat.htm#part4
    I would like to use the wget command to automate the downloading process.
2) Is there any SST data associated with the EH5OM data, and if so where is it located?

3) I have not had any luck finding documentation on the data. Does anyone know of any good resources that contain this information

Thank you for any help that can be provided.

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