Dear All,
I have run RegCM4.3 with horizontal resolution ds = 25.0 but ctlinfo command in Grads show 0.11 degrees instead of 0.22
xdef 892 linear 43.97 0.11
ydef 502 linear 3.05 0.11
I test other .nc files not output of RegCM4.3 show correct information of ctlinfo. Please suggest where is the problem.
Thank you in advance. and ctlinfo results is below:
! Chinese domain
iy = 236,
jx = 270,
kz = 18,
nsg = 1,
iproj = 'LAMCON',
ds = 25.0,
ptop = 5.0,
clat = 32,
clon = 93,
plat = 34,
plon = 120,
truelatl = 25.0,
truelath = 50.0,
i_band = 0,
domname = 'test_002',
smthbdy = .false.,
lakedpth = .false.,
fudge_lnd = .false.,
fudge_lnd_s = .false.,
fudge_tex = .false.,
fudge_tex_s = .false.,
dirter = 'input',
inpter = 'DATA',
ibyte = 4,
debug_level = 1,
dbgfrq = 3,
nspgx = 12,
nspgd = 12,
ibdyfrq = 6,
ssttyp = 'OI_WK',
dattyp = 'EIN15',
gdate1 = 1986060100,
gdate2 = 1986080100,
dirglob = 'input',
inpglob = 'DATA',
lat0 = 0.0
lat1 = 0.0
lon0 = 0.0
lon1 = 0.0
ifrest = .false. ,
mdate0 = 1986060100,
mdate1 = 1986060100,
mdate2 = 1986080100,
dtrad = 30.,
dtabem = 18.,
dtsrf = 120.,
dt = 40.,
ifsave = .true. ,
savfrq = 7200.,
ifatm = .true. ,
atmfrq = 6.,
ifrad = .true. ,
radfrq = 6.,
ifsrf = .true. ,
ifsub = .true. ,
srffrq = 3.,
ifchem = .false.,
chemfrq = 6.,
dirout = 'output',
iboudy = 5,
ibltyp = 1,
icup = 2,
igcc = 2,
ipptls = 1,
iocnflx = 2,
ipgf = 0,
iemiss = 0,
lakemod = 0,
ichem = 0,
scenario = 'A1B',
idcsst = 0,
iseaice = 0,
idesseas = 1,
iconvlwp = 1,
qck1land= .250E-03,
qck1oce = .250E-03,
cevap = .100E-02,
caccr = 3.000,
cftotmax = 0.75,
elcrit = 0.0011D0,
coeffr = 1.0D0,
dirclm = '/set/this/to/where/your/input/clm/data/are',
imask = 1,
clmfrq = 12.,
dset ^
dtype netcdf
undef 1e+20_FillValue
title ICTP Regional Climatic model V4
pdef 267 233 bilin sequential binary-big ^test_002.coord
xdef 892 linear 43.97 0.11
ydef 502 linear 3.05 0.11
zdef 18 levels 25.0 75.0 130.0 195.0 270.0 350.0 430.0 510.0 590.0 670.0 745.0 810.0 865.0 910.0 945.0 970.0 985.0 995.0
tdef 120 linear 06Z01jun1986 6hr
vectorpairs u,v s01u10m,s01v10m
vars 14
xlat=>xlat 0 y,x Latitude at cross points (degrees_north)
xlon=>xlon 0 y,x Longitude at cross points (degrees_east)
topo=>topo 0 y,x Domain surface elevation (m)
mask=>mask 0 y,x Domain land/ocean mask (1)
ps=>ps 0 t,y,x Surface pressure (hPa)
u=>u 18 t,z,y,x U component (westerly) of wind (m s-1)
v=>v 18 t,z,y,x V component (southerly) of wind (m s-1)
omega=>omega 18 t,z,y,x Pressure velocity (hPa s-1)
t=>t 18 t,z,y,x Temperature (K)
qv=>qv 18 t,z,y,x Water vapor mixing ratio (kg kg-1)
qc=>qc 18 t,z,y,x Cloud water mixing ratio (kg kg-1)
tpr=>tpr 0 t,y,x Total daily precipitation rate (kg m-2 day-1)
tgb=>tgb 0 t,y,x Lower groud temperature (K)
swt=>swt 0 t,y,x Total soil water (kg m-2)
With regards