Dear All,
Should I set idirect =1, even if I don't use aerosol module?
I am working on a domain with aertyp = 'AER00D0'. I keep all the settings same. I only changed idirect.
When idirect =1 simulation is working correctly.
When I set idirect = 0 ; simulation stops and I have the following error :
SRF variables written at 2008030103 180.0000000000000
No more atmosphere here....
CFL violation detected, so model STOP
# DECREASE DT !!!! #
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
Fatal in file: mod_tendency.F90 at line: 2291
[0] Aborting program!
p0_43251: p4_error: : 1
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
Killed by signal 2.^M
p0_43251: (60.804688) net_send: could not write to fd=4, errno = 32
Could you please explain me if it is wrong to set idirect=0 for a no aerosol simulation?
Best regards.
Tugba Agacayak
Istanbul Technical University