Dear all,

When I tried to use ECHAM data set , I faced a problem during sst.

When I run terrain,clm2rcm, aeresol , Everything is okey but when I tried to run sst it gives this error

"record number outside range, unit 11, file /home/hamza/Desktop/data/SST/SST_20C_3_1962010100_1993123118"

When I tried the same with ERA40/OI_WK , it  works.

I downloaded my data set from

I think, It may stem from the globwindow part and  I used the above coordinate conditions

 lat0 = -89.0625
 lat1 = 89.0625
 lon0 = 0.0
 lon1 = 358.125

I also try
 lat0 = 0.0
 lat1 = 0.0
 lon0 = 0.0
 lon1 = 0.0

but it didn't work

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you very much