I am also having the same problem.
2011/5/23 ÖܺÆÀ½ <yefeng38@tom.com>
Dear ALL, I am having problems with the NetCDF output of RegCM4. I used the following command.. ./rcm2netcdf -a -v swt,tgb -t 199801 -e 19980215 regcm.in The terminal window showed the following... Value not found : i_band Assuming non tropical BAND run. Error: Invalid Input. Cannot open. I was hoping that somone might have encountered a similar problem before and could help me figure this out. Regards, Haolan Zhou
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Syed Ahsan Ali Bokhari
Electronic Engineer (EE)
Research & Development Division
Pakistan Meteorological Department H-8/4, Islamabad.
Phone # off +92518358714Cell # +923155145014