Hello everyboday,I have a trouble.When I operate script ./terrain.x , some errors are following, I don't know how to deal with them.
rm -f *.o terrain
pgf90 -O1 -byteswapio -Ktrap=fp -c -L../../Commons/env/liblinux/ -lnetcdf terrain.f
pgf90 -O1 -byteswapio -Ktrap=fp -o terrain terrain.o -L../../Commons/env/liblinux/ -lnetcdf
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible ../../Commons/env/liblinux//libnetcdf.a when searching for -lnetcdf
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lnetcdf
make: *** [terrain] Error 2
./terrain: Command not found.
Besids,I checked the netcdf and run ncdump:
regcm/PreProc/Terrain> ncdump
ncdump [-c|-h] [-v ...] [[-b|-f] [c|f]] [-l len] [-n name] [-p n[,n]] [-x] [-k] file
  [-c]             Coordinate variable data and header information
  [-h]             Header information only, no data
  [-v var1[,...]]  Data for variable(s) <var1>,... only
  [-b [c|f]]       Brief annotations for C or Fortran indices in data
  [-f [c|f]]       Full annotations for C or Fortran indices in data
  [-l len]         Line length maximum in data section (default 80)
  [-n name]        Name for netCDF (default derived from file name)
  [-p n[,n]]       Display floating-point values with less precision
  [-x]             Output XML (NcML) instead of CDL
  [-k]             Output kind of netCDF file
  file             Name of netCDF file
netcdf library version "3.6.2" of Dec 29 2009 14:17:36 $
