Dear all,

I have run Regcm4. I used the 1983 dataset from NNRP2 database for the ICBC, the GLCC10MIN_BATS for the landuse, GTOPO30_10MIN for the topography, sst.mnmean, sst.wkmean.1981-1989 and sst.wkmean.1990-present for the SST. The file is attached.

When it finished, I converted the outputs of the model to netcdf files in order to display the parameters I wanted using the GrADS. I tried to compare the images with the corresponding ones from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1 website: “”. For many of the parameters the results of the comparison were satisfactory. The main problem appeared with the surface pressure and geopotential heights images in which there are no values at the sea grid points.

Could you please give me an idea of what it went wrong?

Thank you in advance!

Irini Giannikopoulou

P.S.The surfacepressure and hgt865hPa images, which are attached, are the from the Regcm4.0 output and the surfpres and the hgt850hPa images come from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1 webpage. The date that is diplayed is 0402198300.