Dear all,

I have just started running RegCM4.0 for my PhD. During the examples I am doing in order to understand how it works, I have encountered some problems. I downloaded my data from the webpage I used the 1988 dataset from NNRP2 database for the ICBC, the GLCC10MIN_BATS for the landuse, GTOPO30_10MIN for the topography, sst.mnmean, sst.wkmean.1981-1989 and sst.wkmean.1990-present for the SST. The next step was editing the file. The file that was produced, after the modifications I've done, is shown below:


iy = 101,

jx = 91,

kz = 18,

nsg = 1,



iproj = 'LAMCON',

i_band = 1,

ds = 100.0,

ptop = 5.0,

clat = 37.89,

clon = 23.86,

plat = 45.39,

plon = 13.48,

truelatl = 30.0,

truelath = 60,



domname = 'irinitest',

itype_in = 1,

ntypec = 10,

ntypec_s = 10,

ifanal = .true.,

smthbdy = .false.,

lakadj = .false.,

fudge_lnd = .false.,

fudge_lnd_s = .false.,

fudge_tex = .false.,

fudge_tex_s = .false.,

ntex = 17,

h2opct = 75.,

dirter = './input',

inpter = './DATA',



igrads = 1,

ibigend = 1,

ibyte = 4,

iotyp = 1,



debug_level = 1



nspgx = 12,

nspgd = 12,



nsplit = 2,



lkpts = 10,



ssttyp = 'OI_WK',

dattyp = 'NNRP1',

ehso4 = .false.,

globidate1 = 1988110100,

globidate2 = 1988113000,

dirglob = './input',

inpglob = './DATA',



lsmtyp = 'BATS',



aertyp = 'AER00D0'

ntr = 10,

nbin = 4,



ifrest = .false. ,

idate0 = 1988110100,

idate1 = 1988113000,

idate2 = 1988123100,

nslice = 120,



radfrq = 90.,

abemh = 30.,

abatm = 900.,

dt = 300.,

ibdyfrq = 6,



ifsave = .true. ,

savfrq = 7200.,

iftape = .true. ,

tapfrq = 6.,

ifrad = .true. ,

radisp = 6.,

ifbat = .true. ,

ifsub = .false. ,

batfrq = 3.,

ifprt = .false.,

prtfrq = 12.,

kxout = 6,

jxsex = 40,

ifchem = .false.,

chemfrq = 6.,




iboudy = 5,

ibltyp = 1,

icup = 2,

igcc = 2,

ipptls = 1,

iocnflx = 2,

ipgf = 0,

iemiss = 0,

lakemod = 0,

ichem = 0,



qck1land= .250E-03,

qck1oce = .250E-03,

cevap = .100E-02,

caccr = 3.000,







idirect = 1,

inpchtrname = 'DUST','DUST','DUST','DUST', 'SO2','SO4','BC_HB','BC_HL','OC_HB','OC_HL',

inpchtrsol = 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.20, 0.80, 0.05, 0.80, 0.05, 0.80

inpchtrdpv(:,1) =0.,0.,0.,0., 0.00300,0.00200,0.00025,0.00025,0.00025,0.00025

inpchtrdpv(:,2) = 0.,0.,0.,0., 0.00800,0.0020 ,0,0.00025,0.00250,0.00025,0.00250

inpdustbsiz(:,1) = 0.01, 1.00, 2.50, 5.00

inpdustbsiz(:,2)= 1.00, 2.50, 5.00,20.00



dirclm = '/set/this/to/where/your/input/clm/data/are',

imask = 1,

clmfrq = 24.,


1) After saving the file, I proceeded with the creation of the domain by running the terrain executable in my working directory, in which the file and the DATA, input and output directories exist. During the process, which is shown below, I noticed that ds was equal to 439.90784 while in the file it was set to be equal to 100.0. This was not the only difference between the “terminal” and the file. As you can see there are differences in the clat, clon, iproj parameters which I can not explain. The same happens with the sst and icbc executables. I suppose that the parameters of the file must be the same that the terrain, sst, icbc executables read. Is there something that I am doing wrong? Please help me!

This is RegCM version 4

SVN Revision: exported compiled at: data : Jan 24 2011 time: 17:18:26

: this run start at : Fri Jan 28 14:19:16 2011

: it is submitted by : me

: it is running on : HP-xw4600

: in directory : /home/me/test2

Doing Domain Setup with following parameters

ntypec = 10

iy = 101

jx = 91

ds = 439.90784

clat = 0.0000000

clon = 180.00000

rin = 1.5000000

iproj = NORMER

***** Terrain resolution (min): 10.000000

after calling SETUP

after calling MAP PROJECTION

xminlat,xmaxlat,xminlon,xmaxlon,ntypec= -86.24 86.49 3.96 360.00 10

after calling MXMNLL

Allocating 3136

2217168 terrain heights read from land use volume

after calling RDLDTR

after calling XYOBSLL

rin,ds(m) = 0.150E+01 0.440E+06

rin,ds(m) = 0.150E+01 0.440E+06

after calling ANAL2

after calling SURF

after calling FUDGE

after calling OUTPUT

Successfully completed terrain fields generation

2) Finally, while I am running the regcm4 simulation (serial run) an error is shown in the terminal:

me@HP-xw4600:~/test2$ regcmSerial >regcm.out

At line 804 of file init.F90 (unit = 101, file = './input/irinitest_ICBC1988110100')

Fortran runtime error: Non-existing record number

Any help that you could give me, would be invaluable!

Thank you in advance,

Irini Giannikopoulou