Dear all,
i am using intel compiler (10.1.011) for running RegCM4. i was able to simulate for few years. but recently when i am running RegCM4.0, it is showing CFL violation and suggests to decrease DT.
i decreased the DT to smaller values  but the same problem is coming again and again.

 fac =            2   60.0000000000000
 Writing output files in direct access format
 ******* OPENING NEW OUTPUT FILES:  1990060100
 OPENING NEW OUT FILE: /home/pmaharana/RCM4/output//ATM.1990060100
 OPENING NEW SRF FILE: /home/pmaharana/RCM4/output//SRF.1990060100
 OPENING NEW RAD FILE: /home/pmaharana/RCM4/output//RAD.1990060100
 OUT-history written date =    1990060100.00000
 LAND variables written at   1990060100   2.50000000000000
 Writing rad fields at ktau =            1  1990060100
 No more atmosphere here....
 CFL violation detected, so model STOP
 #            DECREASE DT !!!!       #
  -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
  Fatal in file: tend.F90 at line:   2280
rank 0 in job 1   caused collective abort of all ranks
  exit status of rank 0: return code 1

Please help
Thank in advance

Pyarimohan maharana