Dear all,
Yesterday and Today, my ten simulations was always aborted when the RegCM4 step is from 2009123118 to 2010010100.the messages showed CFL VIOLATION. I modified tens team parameters (dt and ds).So I checked the data from the folder /input/ with Grads.I found an error about icbc and it's output when 2010data of NNRP1 was used.
Ts at 2009120100 is 260 -- 300 F degree,but ts at 20100101 is -3.5e6 -- -4.0e6 F degree.Ts at 20100201 is bad as ts at 20100101. T is same.
So today I downloaded new data of NNRP1 from
But the new data did not take good news. I give these ts\t gif in the accessory. How to solve it?
Best wishs
Duan wei
段玮 Duan Wei 云南省气象科学研究所大气成分应用研究室 Atmospheric Components Laboratory,MIYN 650034 中国云南.昆明市西昌路77号 77 Xichang Road, Kunming, P.R.China E-mail: Tel: 86-871-4189160 86-13888741052 Fax: 86-871-4189169 如有任何疑问,请随时联系. If you have any question, please feel free to call me. |