Hello All,
I am working for the Seasonal and Year precipitaion data plot in grads. I  opened 40 files and defined all value of r1, r2,r3................r40.
But , at time of saving I found error as shown in below..
ga-> d r1
Contouring at clevs =  5 10 20 30 50 70 90 110 120 150 170 190 210
ga-> enable print tprjun90.gmf
Error opening meta file tprjun90.gmf
How can I remove this error to save(enable print command) the file in appropriate format. Please suggest me to solve this my problem.
Rajesh Kumar Maurya
M.Sc(Tech)- Geophysics(Meteorology); Junior Research Fellow & Research Scholar
Department of Geophysics
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221005