Hello RegCM3 users,
While trying to execute the terrain.x script, the following message came which is as follows.

 ***** Terrain resolution (min):  10.00000000
 after calling SETUP
 PSX,PSI1 =  0.7785913944 0.5235987902
 PSX,PSI1 =  0.7785913944 0.5235987902
 XN,TRUELATL,TRUELATH =  0.7155667543 30.00000000 60.00000000
 after calling MAP PROJECTION
 xminlat,xmaxlat,xminlon,xmaxlon,ntypec=      34.97     54.85     -9.34     37.18        10
 after calling MXMNLL
      33759 terrain heights read from land use volume
 after calling RDLDTR
 after calling XYOBSLL
  rin,ds(m) =    .150E+01    .600E+05
  rin,ds(m) =    .150E+01    .600E+05
 after calling ANAL2
rm: fort.48�: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
 after calling SURF
 after calling FUDGE
 after calling OUTPUT
 /bin/rm -f ../ICBC/fort.10                                                     
 /bin/ln -s ../../Input/DOMAIN.INFO                            ../ICBC/fort.10  
STOP 9999

After this while executing the icbc.x the following problem occurred. I am puzzled to see this. Please let me know what went wrong.

I am trying this on HPC with AIX5.3

Thanks and regards,
Mr. Rajesh J.
{'PRITHVI' High Performance Computing System,
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology,Pune}
HCL Infosystems Ltd.
Arena 10, Pune Nagar Road, Viman Nagar, Pune