Hi Nguyen,

In addition to the instructions in the forwarded message below, you also have to make following changes.

Line 261 in CCSM.f
1948 should be changed to the start year of time "units" in CCSM data. This can be checked by using ncdump on any of the ccsm netcdf files. 
Line 438 in SST_CCSM.f
atime should be equal to the number of time steps in your SST data file.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Moetasim Ashfaq <moetasim@stanford.edu>
Date: February 23, 2010 10:05:51 AM PST
Cc: regcnet <regcnet@lists.ictp.it>
Subject: Re: RegCM with CCSM data

Hi Maurice,

I am attaching the CCSM-RegCM pre-processor. The tar file also contains a script to create Window data from raw CCSM global files. You have to change that according to your needs. Also, you should read the comments section at the top of CCSM.f to get an idea:

1) which  variables are needed
2) what should be the name of the files
3) where should data be copied for ICBC to work.

After you have data prepared, you have to change the anlat, anlon in CCSM.f according to the size of your window data (lines 94, 95,505, 506)

Main Code:
CCSM uses fixed 365 days calendar. Therefore, you should remove lines 31,32,33 of INITDATE.F in the Main code.


On Feb 23, 2010, at 8:23 AM, bixq wrote:

Dear Maurice:

I haven't used the CCSM.f myself, Moetasim provided these two files.

He'll give you a help.

Best Regards,
Xunqiang Bi

On Tue, 23 Feb 2010, Maurice.McHugh@noaa.gov wrote:

Hello Dr. Bi,

I am trying to figure out how to use CCSM.f and SST_CCSM.f in the ICBC-generating step of running RegCM.
Do you have any scripts, or examples on how to go about using these programs.  I have already downloaded 6-hourly CCSM data from NCAR.

In particular I am not sure how to link, compile and run the programs.

Thank you.


Dr. Xunqiang Bi         email:bixq@ictp.it
Earth System Physics Group
The Abdus Salam ICTP
Strada Costiera, 11
P.O. BOX 586, 34100 Trieste, ITALY
Tel: +39-040-2240302  Fax: +39-040-2240449

On Apr 11, 2010, at 8:28 PM, teddygucas wrote:

Dear all,
I try to setup a RegCM3 run that uses CCSM output as an initial condition. After I modified the CCSM.f and ICBC.f, I found the code compiled. But the ICBC file was wrong. All of variables except ZS,PP3d are 0. Attached are my modified code. 
Thanks for help!
Best regards,

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