while ruuning the model it is showing ...
*** solar declination angle = 2.83 degrees.
dectim = 79200.0000000000
BCs are ready from 2076091412 to 2076091418
at day = 13.5062, ktau = 19450 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.25707E-04 0.37729E-06, no. of points w/convection = 813
at day = 13.5410, ktau = 19500 : 1st, 2nd
time deriv of ps = 0.25850E-04 0.23479E-06, no. of points w/convection = 552
at day = 13.5757, ktau = 19550 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.26471E-04 0.21061E-06, no. of points w/convection = 433
at day = 13.6104, ktau = 19600 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.21622E-04 0.18808E-06, no. of points w/convection = 342
at day = 13.6451, ktau = 19650 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.19963E-04 0.18305E-06, no. of points w/convection = 304
at day = 13.6799, ktau = 19700 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.21301E-04 0.19097E-06, no. of points w/convection = 282
day = 13.7146, ktau = 19750 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.22297E-04 0.19663E-06, no. of points w/convection = 271
at day = 13.7493, ktau = 19800 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.20456E-04 0.20849E-06, no. of points w/convection = 285
*** solar declination angle = 2.74 degrees.
dectim = 80640.0000000000
BCs are ready from 2076091418 to 2076091500
at day = 13.7840, ktau = 19850 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = NaN NaN , no. of points w/convection = 0
at day = 13.8187, ktau =
19900 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = NaN NaN , no. of points w/convection = 0
at day = 13.8535, ktau = 19950 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = NaN NaN , no. of points w/convection = 0
at day = 13.8882, ktau = 20000 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = NaN NaN , no. of points w/convection = 0
at day = 13.9229, ktau = 20050 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = NaN NaN , no. of points w/convection =
at day = 13.9576, ktau = 20100 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = NaN NaN , no. of points w/convection = 0
at day = 13.9924, ktau = 20150 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = NaN NaN , no. of points w/convection = 0
*** solar declination angle = 2.64 degrees.
System Details:
Mac OS X 10.5.8
Quad core intel processor
Darwin jags-mac-pro.local 9.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0: Wed Jul 15 16:55:01 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.15.4~1/RELEASE_I386 i386