Hello  RegCM user,
 I am new user of RegCm3, I am defining the domain param variable map Projection- 40E-115E and 45N-25S and its centre point is ( 77.5E & 10N).
    I am using LAMCON for map projection.
 Can you suggest me what would be the value of truelatL (LAMCON true latitude (low  latitude side) ) and  truelatH (LAMCON true latitude (high  latitude side)) for mentioned data .
     Please also let me know , what is prcedure for calculating truelatL and truelatH.
Rajesh Kumar Maurya
M.Sc(Tech)- Geophysics ; Junior Research Fellow & Research Scholar
Department of Geophysics
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221005

Rajesh Kumar Maurya
M.Sc(Tech)- Geophysics ; Junior Research Fellow & Research Scholar
Department of Geophysics
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221005