Hi John Lee. Try to make the following steps: 1change directory to Terrain cd /../Regcm/Preproc/Terrain 2.copy apropriate makefile for your machine to Makefile (For example I am using Intel Fortran compiler :IFC) cp Makefile_IFC8 Makefile 3. edit Makefile as thus gedit Makefile & include the full path of your netcdf library dir by changing -L../../Commons/env/libinux/ -lnetcdf to -L /usr/local/netcdf/lib/ -lnetcdf Note: My own netcdf lib path is /usr/local/netcdf/lib 4. save the changes and run terrain.x If you do not have netcdf lib download it, untar and place it possibly in the same directory as mine. You need to edit other Makefiles in the later stage of the preprocessing to include the full paths of your netcdf lib and liblinux. Best of luck. Niran Matthew --- On Mon, 10/26/09, John Lee <popopo17@gmail.com> wrote: