Dear, all! I want to make a vector map of era40 wind components. The file is opened in the following ways. Scanning self-describing file: /home/haile/2000/ SDF file /home/haile/2000/ is open as file 1 LON set to 0 360 LAT set to -90 90 LEV set to 1000 1000 Time values set: 2000:1:1:0 2000:1:1:0 E set to 1 1 ga-> sdfopen /home/haile/2000/ Scanning self-describing file: /home/haile/2000/ SDF file /home/haile/2000/ is open as file 2 ga-> I want to make a vector from the two files. Could you help in this way!! Just the command! Haile! From GHA |