---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: emet casera <emetcasera@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: hi emet
To: Somnath Jha <somnath.jha@gmail.com>

Hello Somnath,

Thank you very much. I have followed the values you have given but there is still an error,..

/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/083/bin/intel64/ifort -fpe3 -tpp7 -cm -w -w90 -w95 -convert big_endian  -c -o whenflt.o whenflt.f
/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/083/bin/intel64/ifort -fpe3 -tpp7 -cm -w -w90 -w95 -convert big_endian  -c -o whenne.o whenne.f
/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/083/bin/intel64/ifort -fpe3 -tpp7 -cm -w -w90 -w95 -convert big_endian  -c -o zengocndrv.o zengocndrv.f
/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/083/bin/intel64/ifort -fpe3 -tpp7 -cm -w -w90 -w95 -convert big_endian  -c -o zengocn.o zengocn.f
/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/083/bin/intel64/ifort -fpe3 -tpp7 -cm -w -w90 -w95 -convert big_endian  -c -o zenith.o zenith.f
zenith.f(61): (col. 10) remark: PARTIAL LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
zenith.f(61): (col. 10) remark: PARTIAL LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/083/bin/intel64/ifort -fpe3 -tpp7 -cm -w -w90 -w95 -convert big_endian  -c -o zenitm.o zenitm.f
zenitm.f(35): (col. 10) remark: PARTIAL LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/083/bin/intel64/ifort -o regcm -fpe3 -tpp7 -cm -w -w90 -w95 -convert big_endian aermix.o aeroppt.o aerout.o albedov.o balanc.o balbak.o bconst.o bdyin.o bdyuv.o bdyval.o blhnew.o BLOCKDATA001.o bmpara.o bndry.o carbon.o cdiv.o chdrydep.o chemtap.o chrsetc.o chsrfem.o cldefr.o cldems.o cldfrac.o co2.o colmod3.o conadv.o condch.o condcq.o condtq.o conmas.o cumtran.o cupara.o cuparan.o cup.o cupemandrv.o cupeman.o depth.o deriv.o diffu.o diffut.o dragdn.o drag.o drip.o dsflx.o EDDY.o elmhes.o eltran.o eomb.o FINDDATE.o for_next.o frawat.o getdat.o grads_stuf.o hadv.o holtbl.o hqr2.o hqr.o htdiff.o ice.o inirad.o initb.o INITDATE.o init.o inidust.o initlk.o interf.o intmax.o invmtrx.o isamax.o isrchfgt.o isrchfle.o lakedrv.o lake.o lenchr.o lfdrag.o lftemp.o ljchrn.o lshfch.o lutbl.o mapsmp.o maximi.o minimi.o MIXER.o mkfile.o nconvp.o nudge.o o3data.o outprt.o output.o outsav.o outsrf.o outsub.o outtap0.o outtap.o param.o pcp.o radabs.o radclr.o radclw.o radcsw.o radctl.o radded.o radems.o radini.o radinp.o radout.o radoz2.o radtap.o radtpl.o reorder.o regcm.o resetr.o rg.o root.o satur.o saxpy.o sgedi.o sgefa.o slice.o slice3d.o snow.o soilbc.o solar1.o spinit.o spline.o splitf.o sponge.o spstep.o sscal.o sswap.o stomat.o TEMP.o tend.o tgrund.o tpfc.o tracbud.o tracdiag.o tractend2.o trcab.o trcabn.o trcems.o trcmix.o trcplk.o trcpth.o tseice.o tstep.o vadv.o vcheke.o vcheki.o vchekt.o vcover.o vecbats.o vmodes.o vmultm.o vnorml.o vorder.o vprntm.o vprntv.o vtlaps.o water.o wheneq.o whenfgt.o whenflt.o whenne.o zengocndrv.o zengocn.o zenith.o zenitm.o -Vaxlib
./regcm.x: line 11: regcm: command not found

what might be the cause of this error? I have tried troubleshooting it but still this error exists..
I hope anybody here can give a hint of what am i going to do..

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 3:42 AM, Somnath Jha <somnath.jha@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Emet,
I saw your mail regarding the problem you face in running regcm in regcnet. Earlier I also faced the same problem and it was solved in the following way. Kindly try it, I hope it will be over.
I think this is error may be due to the time step setting in regcm.in. The timestep (dt) in regcm.in should be multiple of the horizontal resolution (ds) in domain.param and also radfrq, abemh,abatm in regcm.in all should be divisible by the dt in regcm.in. For example,
if you select ds =90 in domain.param you should may take dt in regcm.in to be equal to 180 and taking dt=180 in regcm.in you should set the following parameters in regcm.in
then run the regcm.x, I hope the problem will be over.
Otherwise it will be easier to see to it if you kindly send the contents of regcm.in and the ds as set in domain.param.
Kindly let me know if it solves the problem.
with regards,

Somnath   Jha
Ph.D Scholar (Atmospheric Sciences)
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences,
IIT, Delhi
Hauz khas
New Delhi-16