To anyone who may concern,
I ran two sets of RegCM simulations.
One with dt=150 450, the other with dt=180 540. The other parameters
of them are same.(dx=60)
I found the output of them quitely differentiate.
For example, the groud temperature difference of above two simulations
have reached up to 5 degrees over some areas.
Which is right? dt=150 or 180?
Does it mean that we should change dt for several times to choose the best
step by comparing with CRU?
Best regards,
Libin Yan

Libin Yan, PhD candidate
Climate and Environment Modeling
Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IEECAS)
10th Fenghui South Road, High-Tech Zone, Xi¨an, 710075, Shaanxi, China
Mobile: 86-15902909106   Tel: 86-29-88327411   Fax: 86-29-88320456