Dear all
     Now I have some problem when I running RehCM with AEROSOL, and I expect to get your help.
(1) I know that 'BC' means  black carbon and 'OC' means organic carbon. But what is mean about
    'BC_HB','BC_HL', 'OC_HB' and 'OC_HL'?
(2) When I running RegCM3 with AEROSOL,
     How to set the value of  'chtrname'?
     I had read a E-Mail from  Dr Bi(XUNQIANG BI), He say :

           Usually, the experiment is like:


              'SO2' and 'SO4'  (It seldom just run 'SO2' only, because the icteraction

               between 'SO2' and 'SO4')


               'BC_HB' and 'BC_HL'


               'OC_HB' and 'OC_HL'


               It's not good to design an experiment of just 'OC_HB', or just 'BC_HL'.

     Why do 'chtrname' = 'SO2' ,'SO4' or 'BC_HB', 'BC_HL' or 'OC_HB' ,'OC_HL'?
With Best Regards
