
I would like to run RegCM with my own land use data.  But I noticed that terrain does not appear to read in the land use data from the GLCC cdf file (but it reads lufrac).  

I understand that I can modify the LANDUSE file generated from terrain and then running terrain again.  But I do not want to do that since the data that I'm using is quite different from the generated LANDUSE (and DOMAIN) files. It would be difficult to change the LANDUSE file and get the exact landuse that I want.  Hence I would like to read in the actual land use data from my original 5 minute netcdf file.

So my first question is, where does Terrain get its land use data if it is not reading it from the GLCC cdf file?
And would you have any suggestions on how I can read in a different land use from a netcdf file? (I have actually tried modifying the GLCC cdf file by changing the landuse data there with my own landuse but as I mentioned, terrain.f does not seem to read in the landuse data from that file.)

Thanks very much and I'd appreciate any thoughts/suggestions. 


Gemma T. Narisma
Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
University of Wisconsin, Madison
1710 University Ave., Madison, WI 53726
Ph: (1 608) 265 8720
Fax: (1 608) 265 4113