I want to run the RegCM3 on Altix ia64 NUMA Cluster,its compiler is ifort. When i run the terain section, all the thing have gone along well But when i try to draw the variables in DOMAIN.CTL, all the variables are constant.My Makefile include all as the followings
FC = ifort -g -cm -w -w90 -w95 -convert big_endian
#FFLAGS = -L../../Commons/env/liblinux -lnetcdf -Vaxlib
FFLAGS = -L /tools/netcdf/3.6.0-p1/lib -lnetcdf -Vaxlib
LD = $(FC)
SRC = terrain.f
OBJ = terrain.o
all: terrain
terrain: $(OBJ)
$(LD) -o $@ $(OBJ) $(FFLAGS)
rm -f *.o terrain
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.
terrain.o: domain.param terrain.f
BTW, 1)I link netcdf installed in our machine instead of that of in the Commons directore,because it seems there are something wrong( it did not work). 2)I set ibyte=4 in domain.param. 3) I can run the RegCM3 on SGI and IBM.
Is there anyone can give me a hand? Thanks firstly.
Xiaoying Shi