Dear RegCM users,
I am having some query in the 'chemparam' section of ''.
Actually when I am making a fresh run of the model the 'chemparam'
section in '' shows some default value.
idirect = 2,
chtrname = 'SO2',
chtrsol = 0.20,
chtrdpv = 0.00300,0.00800,
dustbsiz = 0.01, 1.00,
But after completion of the fresh run it creats another
'' file for the restrt run of the model. In this time
the 'chemparam' section contains following value.
idirect = 1,
chtrname = '^@^@^@^@^@',
chtrsol = 0.00,
chtrdpv = 0.00000,0.00000,
dustbsiz = 0.00, 0.00,
Actually which setup we should use in the model, if I am not
using any chemistry model. I am in doubt, shall I need to change all the option like seocond set of upper section before making a fresh run.
Please give me suggestions regarding this.
Thanking you.
Sincerely yours
Satyaban Bishoyi Ratna