Dear RegCM Users,
  I completed one month model integartion for the period June 2005.
I got the output 'ATM.2005060100.ctl','ATM.2005060100' and other files in the /output directory. But when I tried to open the 'ATM.2005060100.ctl' file in GrADS it opens the file but I am unable to view anything here.
When I tried to see the variable 'U', it not displying anything and shows as
'Contouring: nan to nan interval nan'.
So I tried with 'byteswapped' instead of ''big_endian' in the control file, then at the first time step (t=1) it works well and display the variable but from the 2nd time step(t=2) it doesn't work and doesn't display the data and it shows same
'Contouring: nan to nan interval nan'.
Please suggest me how to overcome this problem and how can I view the model output in GrADS.
Thanking you.
Satyaban Bishoyi Ratna

Satyaban Bishoyi Ratna
Research Scholar
Department of Meteorology and Oceanography
Andhra University
Visakhapatnam - 530003
Andhra Pradesh, India
Cell: 94403 30367
