Dear all:
I have some problem when I run RegCM3, the initial and boundry condition data I uesd is from EH5OM.After I execute ./terrain.x ,as follows:
***** Terrain resolution (min): 10.00000
after calling SETUP
PSX,PSI1 = 0.9424778 0.6981317
PSX,PSI1 = 0.9424778 0.6981317
XN,TRUELATL,TRUELATH = 0.5803694 20.00000 50.00000
after calling MAP PROJECTION
xminlat,xmaxlat,xminlon,xmaxlon,ntypec= 9.67 58.57 57.16 153.48 10
after calling MXMNLL
170510 terrain heights read from land use volume
after calling RDLDTR
after calling XYOBSLL
rin,ds(m) = 0.150E+01 0.500E+05
rin,ds(m) = 0.150E+01 0.500E+05
after calling ANAL2
after calling SURF
after calling FUDGE
please input lon0,lon1,lat0,lat1
Note: lon0 < lon1, and lat0 < lat1
what should I input?When I used NNRP1 ,there is no such problem,Why?
I need your help.
Thanks very much.
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