Dear Sir,
As per your mail I followed the give suggestion but I
didn't got any success.
At first I tried with NORMER (instead of LAMCON) but no success.
Later I tried with LAMCON, using 10N and 30N as truelatL and truelatH
(instead of 30N and 60N) but no success.
So finally I tried the model run with bydefault setup of
the Regcm which is available at ICTP. That means I didn't change in
'Terrain' and 'ICBC' setup for this run in my machine. Only I have changed the 'Makefile' suitable to AMD64. I didn't got any error
in 'Terrain' and 'ICBC' run. But when I came to the main part of model run the same error occured and it terminates the model run.
I am giving the lines here, which occured during the terminates of
model run.
I request you please look into this ang give me suggestion to run the RegCM successfully.
Thanking you.
Best regards
dectim = 1440.000000000000
BCs are ready from 2005010100 to 2005010106
dt, dtau = 150.0000000000000 37.50000000000000
0 linearization about standard atmosphere (lstand=.t.)
0sigmaf 0.000 5.000E-02 0.100 0.160 0.230 0.310 0.390 0.470 0.550 0.630 0.710
0.780 0.840 0.890 0.930 0.960 0.980 0.990 1.00
0t mean 218. 218. 218. 218. 229. 239. 248. 255. 262. 268. 273.
277. 280. 283. 285. 286. 287. 287.
0ps mean 100.
0 vertical mode problem completed for kx= 18 0 errors detected (should be 0)
m, fac = 4 33.33333333333334
m, fac = 2 60.00000000000000
Writing output files in direct access format
******* OPENING NEW OUTPUT FILES: 2005010100
OPENING NEW OUT FILE: output/ATM.2005010100
OPENING NEW BAT FILE: output/SRF.2005010100
OPENING NEW RAD FILE: output/RAD.2005010100
OUT-history written date = 2005010100.000000
BATS variables written at 2005010100 2.500000000000000
Writing rad fields at ktau = 1 2005010100
at day = 0.0851, ktau = 50 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.24425E-04 0.93659E-0 7, no. of points w/convection = 22
Floating exception
On Tue, 26 Jun 2007 XUNQIANG BI wrote :
>Hi, Satyaban:
>The domain.param is not a right one.
>Three suggestion:
>1. Since the clat is quite close to Equaltor, you can try use
> NORMER (instead of LAMCON).
>2. If you use LAMCON, try to use 10N and 30N as truelatL and truelatH
> (instead of 30N and 60N)
>3. If you use FERRET, you can try also use ROTMER.
> Dr. Xunqiang Bi
> Earth System Physics Group
> The Abdus Salam ICTP
> Strada Costiera, 11
> P.O. BOX 586, 34100 Trieste, ITALY
> Tel: +39-040-2240302 Fax: +39-040-2240449
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