Hi, all
  I want to get the specified varible(eg.tgb) from model result(eg.SRF.199105010100) and
use 'fwrite' demand of GRADS. The *.gs file like this:
'open f:\Model-Result\EXP-Kuo\SRF.1991050100.ctl'
'set lon 98.56 115.718'
'set lat 25.16 34.0223'
'set t 1 249'
'set gxout fwrite'
'set fwrite f:\Model-Result\EXP-Kuo\test\SRF-5-tgbgrd'
'd tgb'
say result
'q dims'
'disable fwrite'
But when I contrasted the seperated data with original data, I found the shapes were so
The images (*.gmf) and related files are in accessories.
Please help me! Thanks a lot!!   

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