Hi Torma,
    At the end of simulation, model renames original regcm.in to regm0.in and makes a new
regcm.in file with changed idates values and ifrest =.true. There is something wrong with this
new file.The linux command 'file <filename>' shows that new regcm.in is data
file rather than ASCII text file. See below.

$> file regcm0.in      
regcm0.in: ASCII text

$> file regcm.in
regcm.in: data

So if you open this file with editors like kwrite or kate, editor open it as binary file and you cannot modify the file.
The solution to this problem is open the file in emacs, go to line 53 and remove character which appears like
 '^@^@^@'. Now save it and check with linux command 'file regcm.in', its now ASCII text file.
The other option is to delete this file and rename regcm0.in to regcm.in and modify as required.
Hope it helps.


On 12/11/06, Torma Csaba <delivitez@nimbus.elte.hu> wrote:

We are using RegCM3. I made several run, but when I prepared our next run
somethig has changed in regcm.in file. My question is how can we change
the following parameters in regcm.in file?:

idirect   =    2,
chtrname  =    'SO2',
chtrsol   =  0.20,
chtrdpv   = 0.00300,0.00800,
dustbsiz  =  0.01, 1.00,

We would like to have regcm.in like this:

idirect   =    1,
chtrname  =                                                                    '.....',
chtrsol   =  0.00,
chtrdpv   = 0.00000,0.00000,
dustbsiz  =  0.00, 0.00,

I tried just to rewrite these lines, but it didn't work.

Thanks in advance,


RegCNET mailing list

Imran Nadeem
PhD Student
Institute of Meteorology
Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment
Uni. of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU)

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