Dear RegCM users,
i am planning to introduce temporaly and spatially realistic ozone
vertical profile for RegCM radiation module (CCM3). I have
RegCM source code at it seems, that this can be carried out by editing
the o3data.f code. I cannot really recognize the funcionality of this
routine, but it seems that at the end of it, the o3prof 3D array
carries the O3 profile data. So is it enough to replace here these
data with my own data (for every time step, when o3data routine is
Also, does anybody have particular experience in introducing sulphate,
BC, PM10,PM2.5,PMcoarse aerosols into the model radiational module
(thus overriding the use of RegCM bulit in chemistry option)?
Thanks for any help!
Departmen of Meteorology & Environmetnal Protection
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University in Prague
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