[root@cc4 test_final]# ./regcm <./regcm.in RESTARTPARAM READ IN TIMEPARAM READ IN OUTPARAM READ IN PHYSICSPARAM READ IN SUBEXPARAM READ IN GRELLPARAM READ IN EMANPARAM READ IN CHEMPARAM READ IN dtau = 37.50000000000000 75.00000000000000 NREC = 289276 IDATE1, IDATE2, dtmin, ktaur = 2000052400 2000060100 2.500000000000000 0 READING HEADER FILE DIMS 111 120 18 DOMAIN 50000.00 21.00000 80.00000 21.00000 80.00000 0.0000000E+00 PROJROTMER SIGMA 0.0000000E+00 5.0000001E-02 0.1000000 0.1600000 0.2300000 0.3100000 0.3900000 0.4700000 0.5500000 0.6300000 0.7100000 0.7800000 0.8400000 0.8900000 0.9300000 0.9600000 0.9800000 0.9900000 1.000000 PTOP 1.000000 OUTPUT 1 1 ***** mdate = 2000052400 input/output parameters ifsave = T savfrq = 48.00000000000000 iftape = T tapfrq = 6.000000000000000 ifprt = F prtfrq = 12.00000000000000 kxout = 6 jxsex = 40 radisp = 6.000000000000000 batfrq = 3.000000000000000 nslice = 120 ifchem = F chemfrq = 6.000000000000000 physical parameterizations iboudy = 5 icup = 4 igcc = 2 ipptls = 1 iocnflx = 2 ipgf = 0 lakemod = 0 ichem = 0 model parameters radfrq = 30.00000000000000 abatm = 450.0000000000000 abemh = 18.00000000000000 dt = 150.0000000000000 ncld = 1 HT HTSD SATBRT XLAT XLONG MSFX MSFD F SNOWC *************************************************** *************************************************** **** RegCM IS BEING RUN ON THE FOLLOWING GRID: **** **** Map Projection: ROTMER **** **** IX= 111 JX= 120 KX= 18 **** **** PTOP= 1.000000 DX= 50000.00 **** **** CLAT= 21.00000 CLON= 80.00000 **** *************************************************** Index of highest allowed pbl: kt = 10 AUTO-CONVERSION RATE: LAND= 5.0000000000000000E-004 OCEAN= 5.0000000000000000E-004 RELATIVE HUMIDITY THRESHOLDS: LAND= 0.8000000000000000 OCEAN= 0.9000000000000000 GULTEPE FACTORS: LAND= 0.4000000000000000 OCEAN= 0.4000000000000000 MAXIMUM CLOUD COVER FOR RADIATION: 0.8000000000000000 MAXIMUM RELATIVE HUMIDITY: 1.010000000000000 rh0 temperature threshold: 238.0000000000000 Raindrop Evaporation Rate 2.0000000000000000E-005 Raindrop Accretion Rate 6.000000000000000 EMANUEL (1991) CONVECTION V4.3C (20 May, 2002) MIN CONVECTION ORIGIN (minsig/orig): 0.9500000000000000 3 AUTOCONVERSION THERSHOLD (elcrit): 1.0000000000000000E-003 AUTOCONVERSION THRESHOLD TO ZERO (tlcrit): -55.00000000000000 ENTRAINMENT COEFFICIENT (entp): 1.500000000000000 FRACTIONAL AREA OF UNSATURATED DNDRAFT (sigd): 5.0000000000000000E-002 PRECIP FRACTION OUTSIDE OF CLOUD (sigs): 0.1200000000000000 FALL SPEED OF RAIN (omtrain): 50.00000000000000 FALL SPEED OF SNOW (omtsnow): 5.500000000000000 RAIN EVAPORATION COEFFICIENT (coeffr): 1.000000000000000 SNOW EVAPORATION COEFFICIENT (coeffs): 0.8000000000000000 CONVECTIVE MOMENTUM TRANSPORT COEFFICIENT (cu): 0.7000000000000000 DOWNDRAFT VELOCITY SCALE (betae): 10.00000000000000 MAX NEGATIVE PERTURBATION BELOW LFC (dtmax): 0.9000000000000000 QUASI-EQUILIBRIUM APPROACH RATE (alphae): 1.0000000000000000E-002 QUASI-EQUILIBRIUM APPROACH RATE (damp): 5.0000000000000000E-002 CONVECTIVE CLOUD FRACTION/WATER Maximum Convective Cloud Cover before resolution scaling: 0.2500000000000000 Maximum Convective Cloud Cover after resolution scaling: 0.2500000000000000 Convective Cloud Water: 4.9999998736893758E-005 the surface energy budget is used to calculate the ground temperature. julday = 145 gmt = 0.0 the radiation is computed every 12 time steps. relaxation boudnary conditions (exponential method) are used. fnudge = 0.33333E-03 gnudge = 0.33333E+06 0 k sigma(k) a(k) dsigma(k) twt(k,1) twt(k,2) qcon(k) 1 0.0000 0.0250 0.0500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0500 0.0750 0.0500 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 3 0.1000 0.1300 0.0600 0.4545 0.5455 0.5455 4 0.1600 0.1950 0.0700 0.4615 0.5385 0.5385 5 0.2300 0.2700 0.0800 0.4667 0.5333 0.5333 6 0.3100 0.3500 0.0800 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 7 0.3900 0.4300 0.0800 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 8 0.4700 0.5100 0.0800 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 9 0.5500 0.5900 0.0800 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 10 0.6300 0.6700 0.0800 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 11 0.7100 0.7450 0.0700 0.5333 0.4667 0.4667 12 0.7800 0.8100 0.0600 0.5385 0.4615 0.4615 13 0.8400 0.8650 0.0500 0.5455 0.4545 0.4545 14 0.8900 0.9100 0.0400 0.5556 0.4444 0.4444 15 0.9300 0.9450 0.0300 0.5714 0.4286 0.4286 16 0.9600 0.9700 0.0200 0.6000 0.4000 0.4000 17 0.9800 0.9850 0.0100 0.6667 0.3333 0.3333 18 0.9900 0.9950 0.0100 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 19 1.0000 maximum time = 8.000 days. time step = 150.00 seconds dx = 50000. meters grid points (x,y) = (120,111) number of levels = 18 constant hor. diff. coef. = 0.25000E+05 m*m/s maximum hor. diff. coef. = 0.26042E+06 m*m/s READING INITAL CONDITIONS 2000052400 U V TA QV PS TS *** initial total air = 0.30585E+18 kg, total water = 0.10863E+16 kg in large domain. *** solar declination angle = 20.99 degrees. ozone profiles 0.4963E-07 0.4963E-07 0.4963E-07 0.4963E-07 0.4963E-07 0.4963E-07 0.4963E-07 0.4963E-07 0.4963E-07 0.4963E-07 0.4963E-07 0.4963E-07 0.4981E-07 0.4985E-07 0.4985E-07 0.5267E-07 0.5267E-07 0.5267E-07 0.5367E-07 0.5370E-07 0.5371E-07 0.5775E-07 0.5775E-07 0.5775E-07 0.6413E-07 0.6417E-07 0.6417E-07 0.7402E-07 0.7406E-07 0.7407E-07 0.9089E-07 0.9101E-07 0.9104E-07 0.1196E-06 0.1197E-06 0.1197E-06 0.1658E-06 0.1661E-06 0.1661E-06 0.2862E-06 0.2866E-06 0.2867E-06 0.5890E-06 0.5896E-06 0.5897E-06 0.1156E-05 0.1157E-05 0.1157E-05 0.2574E-05 0.2576E-05 0.2576E-05 0.7294E-05 0.7296E-05 0.7297E-05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 dectim = 1440.000000000000 BCs are ready from 2000052400 to 2000052406 dt, dtau = 150.0000000000000 37.50000000000000 75.00000000000000 0 linearization about standard atmosphere (lstand=.t.) 0sigmaf 0.000E+00 5.000E-02 0.100 0.160 0.230 0.310 0.390 0.470 0.550 0.630 0.710 0.780 0.840 0.890 0.930 0.960 0.980 0.990 1.00 0t mean 218. 218. 218. 218. 225. 236. 245. 253. 260. 267. 272. 276. 280. 282. 284. 286. 287. 287. 0ps mean 100. 0 vertical mode problem completed for kx= 18 0 errors detected (should be 0) m, fac = 4 33.33333333333334 m, fac = 2 60.00000000000000 Writing output files in direct access format ******* OPENING NEW OUTPUT FILES: 2000052400 Note that rotated Mercartor (ROTMER) projections are not supported by GrADS. Although not exact, the eta.u projection in GrADS is somewhat similar. FERRET, however, does support this projection. OPENING NEW OUT FILE: output/ATM.2000052400 Note that rotated Mercartor (ROTMER) projections are not supported by GrADS. Although not exact, the eta.u projection in GrADS is somewhat similar. FERRET, however, does support this projection. OPENING NEW BAT FILE: output/SRF.2000052400 Note that rotated Mercartor (ROTMER) projections are not supported by GrADS. Although not exact, the eta.u projection in GrADS is somewhat similar. FERRET, however, does support this projection. OPENING NEW RAD FILE: output/RAD.2000052400 Note that rotated Mercartor (ROTMER) projections are not supported by GrADS. Although not exact, the eta.u projection in GrADS is somewhat similar. FERRET, however, does support this projection. OUT-history written date = 2000052400.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052400 2.500000000000000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 1 2000052400 at day = 0.0851, ktau = 50 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.59293E-04 0.15078E-06, no. of points w/convection = 4470 BATS variables written at 2000052403 180.0000000000000 at day = 0.1719, ktau = 100 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.41453E-04 0.91110E-07, no. of points w/convection = 5652 OUT-history written date = 2000052406.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052406 0.0000000000000000E+000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 144 2000052406 BCs are ready from 2000052406 to 2000052412 at day = 0.2587, ktau = 150 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.38419E-04 0.58503E-07, no. of points w/convection = 6507 at day = 0.3455, ktau = 200 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.27137E-04 0.43160E-07, no. of points w/convection = 6954 BATS variables written at 2000052409 180.0000000000000 at day = 0.4323, ktau = 250 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.22644E-04 0.31854E-07, no. of points w/convection = 6982 OUT-history written date = 2000052412.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052412 0.0000000000000000E+000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 288 2000052412 BCs are ready from 2000052412 to 2000052418 at day = 0.5191, ktau = 300 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.17762E-04 0.26758E-07, no. of points w/convection = 6238 at day = 0.6059, ktau = 350 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.16011E-04 0.21594E-07, no. of points w/convection = 5079 BATS variables written at 2000052415 180.0000000000000 at day = 0.6927, ktau = 400 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.17237E-04 0.17195E-07, no. of points w/convection = 4570 OUT-history written date = 2000052418.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052418 0.0000000000000000E+000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 432 2000052418 BCs are ready from 2000052418 to 2000052500 at day = 0.7795, ktau = 450 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.11075E-04 0.15838E-07, no. of points w/convection = 4624 at day = 0.8663, ktau = 500 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.13804E-04 0.12813E-07, no. of points w/convection = 4897 BATS variables written at 2000052421 180.0000000000000 at day = 0.9531, ktau = 550 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.10921E-04 0.11440E-07, no. of points w/convection = 5027 *** solar declination angle = 21.16 degrees. dectim = 2880.000000000000 OUT-history written date = 2000052500.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052500 0.0000000000000000E+000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 576 2000052500 BCs are ready from 2000052500 to 2000052506 at day = 1.0399, ktau = 600 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.10631E-04 0.12301E-07, no. of points w/convection = 5154 BATS variables written at 2000052503 180.0000000000000 at day = 1.1267, ktau = 650 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.11342E-04 0.12299E-07, no. of points w/convection = 5889 at day = 1.2135, ktau = 700 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.73936E-05 0.11815E-07, no. of points w/convection = 6707 OUT-history written date = 2000052506.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052506 0.0000000000000000E+000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 720 2000052506 BCs are ready from 2000052506 to 2000052512 at day = 1.3003, ktau = 750 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.12899E-04 0.10888E-07, no. of points w/convection = 7218 BATS variables written at 2000052509 180.0000000000000 at day = 1.3872, ktau = 800 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.12873E-04 0.10021E-07, no. of points w/convection = 7451 at day = 1.4740, ktau = 850 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.64977E-05 0.96710E-08, no. of points w/convection = 7176 OUT-history written date = 2000052512.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052512 0.0000000000000000E+000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 864 2000052512 BCs are ready from 2000052512 to 2000052518 at day = 1.5608, ktau = 900 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.11829E-04 0.10404E-07, no. of points w/convection = 6055 BATS variables written at 2000052515 180.0000000000000 at day = 1.6476, ktau = 950 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.10732E-04 0.10311E-07, no. of points w/convection = 5195 at day = 1.7344, ktau = 1000 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.69576E-05 0.94423E-08, no. of points w/convection = 4978 OUT-history written date = 2000052518.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052518 0.0000000000000000E+000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 1008 2000052518 BCs are ready from 2000052518 to 2000052600 at day = 1.8212, ktau = 1050 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.81357E-05 0.10495E-07, no. of points w/convection = 4803 BATS variables written at 2000052521 180.0000000000000 at day = 1.9080, ktau = 1100 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.86746E-05 0.93758E-08, no. of points w/convection = 4885 at day = 1.9948, ktau = 1150 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.48543E-05 0.93718E-08, no. of points w/convection = 4930 *** solar declination angle = 21.33 degrees. dectim = 4320.000000000000 OUT-history written date = 2000052600.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052600 0.0000000000000000E+000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 1152 2000052600 SAVTMP RESTART WRITTEN: idatex= 2000052600ktau= 1152 BCs are ready from 2000052600 to 2000052606 at day = 2.0816, ktau = 1200 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.10597E-04 0.10068E-07, no. of points w/convection = 5089 BATS variables written at 2000052603 180.0000000000000 at day = 2.1684, ktau = 1250 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.70683E-05 0.10852E-07, no. of points w/convection = 5959 OUT-history written date = 2000052606.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052606 0.0000000000000000E+000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 1296 2000052606 BCs are ready from 2000052606 to 2000052612 at day = 2.2552, ktau = 1300 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.10318E-04 0.12261E-07, no. of points w/convection = 6717 at day = 2.3420, ktau = 1350 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.12736E-04 0.90837E-08, no. of points w/convection = 6981 BATS variables written at 2000052609 180.0000000000000 at day = 2.4288, ktau = 1400 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.76357E-05 0.92424E-08, no. of points w/convection = 7027 OUT-history written date = 2000052612.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052612 0.0000000000000000E+000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 1440 2000052612 BCs are ready from 2000052612 to 2000052618 at day = 2.5156, ktau = 1450 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.66111E-05 0.11154E-07, no. of points w/convection = 6249 at day = 2.6024, ktau = 1500 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.11121E-04 0.89689E-08, no. of points w/convection = 5414 BATS variables written at 2000052615 180.0000000000000 at day = 2.6892, ktau = 1550 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.80934E-05 0.90144E-08, no. of points w/convection = 4903 OUT-history written date = 2000052618.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052618 0.0000000000000000E+000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 1584 2000052618 BCs are ready from 2000052618 to 2000052700 at day = 2.7760, ktau = 1600 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.75041E-05 0.10191E-07, no. of points w/convection = 4787 at day = 2.8628, ktau = 1650 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.96583E-05 0.86815E-08, no. of points w/convection = 4957 BATS variables written at 2000052621 180.0000000000000 at day = 2.9497, ktau = 1700 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.62292E-05 0.87005E-08, no. of points w/convection = 5127 *** solar declination angle = 21.50 degrees. dectim = 5760.000000000000 OUT-history written date = 2000052700.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052700 0.0000000000000000E+000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 1728 2000052700 BCs are ready from 2000052700 to 2000052706 at day = 3.0365, ktau = 1750 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.90043E-05 0.96675E-08, no. of points w/convection = 5304 at day = 3.1233, ktau = 1800 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.10972E-04 0.95897E-08, no. of points w/convection = 5860 BATS variables written at 2000052703 180.0000000000000 at day = 3.2101, ktau = 1850 : 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.54809E-05 0.99352E-08, no. of points w/convection = 6735 OUT-history written date = 2000052706.000000 BATS variables written at 2000052706 0.0000000000000000E+000 Writing rad fields at ktau = 1872 2000052706 BCs are ready from 2000052706 to 2000052712 Floating point exception [root@cc4 test_final]#