[RegCNET] regcm4.0 error run

Wupeng Du wupengdu at 163.com
Fri May 20 17:05:18 CEST 2016

     It's nice for you to answer my question. Now, I am ready to use RegCM 4.0 Version to simulate aerosol data, but when change aerosol type to 11D0, the output data can't find CHEM.dat corresponding result. I copy my script in the following, and can you tell me how solve the problem?
    Best wishes,
   Wupeng Du  

Appendix: the detail information of the script :regcm.in(you can download in the added appendixs)
! This is a simple demo input file for regcm4.0
! used in the RegCM Workshop in june 2010
 iy     = 123,
 jx     = 160,
 kz     = 18,
 nsg    = 1,
 iproj = 'LAMCON',
 ds = 45.0,
 ptop = 5.0,
 clat = 35,
 clon = 107,
 plat = 45.39,
 plon = 13.48,
 truelatl = 30.0,
 truelath = 60,
 domname = 'TRS',
 itype_in = 1,
 ntypec = 10,
 ntypec_s = 10,
 ifanal = .true.,
 smthbdy = .false.,
 lakadj = .false.,
 fudge_lnd   = .false.,
 fudge_lnd_s = .false.,
 fudge_tex   = .false.,
 fudge_tex_s = .false.,
 ntex = 17,
 h2opct = 75.,
 dirter = '/home/regcmdata/input',
 inpter = '/home/regcmdata/DATA',
 igrads = 1,
 ibigend = 1,
 ibyte = 4,
 iotyp = 1,
 debug_level = 1
 nspgx  = 12,
 nspgd  = 12,
 nsplit = 2,
 lkpts  = 10,
 ssttyp = 'OI_WK',
 dattyp = 'NNRP1',
 ehso4 = .false.,
 globidate1 = 2008010100,
 globidate2 = 2008020100,
 dirglob = '/home/regcmdata/input',
 inpglob = '/home/regcmdata/DATA',
 lsmtyp = 'BATS',
 aertyp = 'AER11D0'
 ntr = 10,
 nbin = 4,
 ifrest  = .false. ,
 idate0  = 2008010100,
 idate1  = 2008010100,
 idate2  = 2008020100,
 nslice  =        120,
 radfrq  =    30.,
 abemh   =    18.,
 abatm   =   600.,
 dt      =   150.,
 ibdyfrq =          6,
 ifsave  = .true. ,
   savfrq  =    48.,
 iftape  = .true. ,
   tapfrq  =     6.,
 ifrad   = .true. ,
   radisp  =     6.,
 ifbat   = .true. ,
 ifsub   = .true. ,
   batfrq  =     3.,
 ifprt   = .false.,
   prtfrq  =    12.,
   kxout   =          6,
   jxsex   =         40,
 ifchem  = .true.,
   chemfrq =     6.,
 iboudy  =          5,
 ibltyp  =          1,
 icup    =          4,
 igcc    =          1,
 ipptls  =          1,
 iocnflx =          2,
 ipgf    =          0,
 iemiss  =          0,
 lakemod =          0,
 ichem   =          1,
 qck1land=   .250E-03,
 qck1oce =   .250E-03,
 cevap   =   .100E-02,
 caccr   =      3.000,
 idirect   =    1,
 inpchtrname  = 'DUST','DUST','DUST','DUST', 'SO2','SO4','BC_HB','BC_HL','OC_HB','OC_HL',
 inpchtrsol   =  0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.20, 0.80, 0.05, 0.80, 0.05, 0.80
 inpchtrdpv(:,1) =0.,0.,0.,0., 0.00300,0.00200,0.00025,0.00025,0.00025,0.00025
 inpchtrdpv(:,2) = 0.,0.,0.,0., 0.00800,0.0020 ,0,0.00025,0.00250,0.00025,0.00250
 inpdustbsiz(:,1)  = 0.01, 1.00, 2.50, 5.00
 inpdustbsiz(:,2)= 1.00, 2.50, 5.00,20.00  
 dirclm = '/set/this/to/where/your/input/clm/data/are',
 imask  = 1,
 clmfrq = 24.,
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