[RegCNET] Regional climate modeling session at Fall AGU meeting

Raymond Arritt rwarritt at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 21:59:26 CEST 2015

Dear RegCNET colleagues,

We encourage you to present your research in session 8778, "Regional
Climate Modeling" to be held at the Fall Meeting of the American
Geophysical Union, 14-18 December 2015 in San Francisco, California, USA.
The web page for the session is
https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm15/preliminaryview.cgi/Session8778 and the
session description appears at the end of this email.

The abstract deadline is Wednesday, 5 August 2015 at 23:59 U.S. Eastern
Daylight Time (the corresponding UTC is 6 August at 03:59).  Please be
aware that AGU is very strict about deadlines and they will not accept late
abstracts under ANY circumstances!  We suggest you submit your abstract a
few days ahead of time as the AGU system sometimes becomes overloaded on
the deadline date.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  We look forward to meeting
you in San Francisco.


Ray Arritt
Ruby Leung
Session conveners

(with apologies for cross-posting)

Regional Climate Modeling

Submit an Abstract to this Session:

Session ID#: 8778
Session Description:

This session focuses on the state of the art in regional climate modeling
on seasonal to centennial time scales. Contributions are solicited on
coordinated experiments that focus on regional and high resolution global
modeling such as CORDEX; novel approaches for model evaluation, especially
process-oriented model verification; new developments such as coupled earth
system modeling at regional scales; ensemble methods and uncertainty
analyses; and assessing the added value of regional modeling. Results from
use of regional models for process understanding and downscaling of IPCC
climate change scenarios are also encouraged.

Primary Convener:  Raymond W Arritt, Iowa State University, Ames, IA,
United States
Convener:  Lai-Yung Ruby Leung, PNNL / Climate Physics, Richland, WA,
United States
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