[RegCNET] MPI error

Aghil Bachari a.bachari at yahoo.com
Mon May 18 21:26:28 CEST 2015

Hi Dear,I am using RegCM4.1.1 on Linux(Ubuntu platform 14.04), my compilers is gfortran and gcc and I installed zlib, hdf5-1.8.14, openMPI, MPICH, NetCDF-4.3.2, NetCDF-cxx... and NetCDF-fortran... in /usr/local directory. I did terrain, sst and ICBC without any error(using EHA1B dataset for sst and icbc). When I want to run simulation using this command: mpirun -np 16 ./Bin/regcmMPI regcm.in > regcm.out, it does not do anything and jumps to next line without any error message. But when I read the regcm.out file it tells me there are problem in mpi_comm_rank and communicator of MPI_comm_world. I attached my namelist and the screenshot of error message. Any Ideas?
Yours Sincerely
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