[RegCNET] Regarding slab ocean model

U Umakanth uma.phys at gmail.com
Mon May 11 11:38:51 CEST 2015

Dear RegCNET users,

I am trying to activate slab ocean model in regcm. In the namelist.in very
few parameters related to slab-ocean module are given. i,e.

! SLAB Ocean model, or q-flux adjusted mixed layer model (default
 do_qflux_adj  = .false.,  ! Activate SLAB Ocean model surface fluxes adjust
                           ! from an already created climatology
 do_restore_sst = .true.,  ! Create during the run the SLAB Ocean model
                           ! fluxes climatology to be used in a subsequent
 sst_restore_timescale = 5.0D0,  ! Time interval in days in building the
                                 ! q-flux adjustment
 mixed_layer_depth     = 50.0D0, ! Depth in meters of the Ocean mixed layer.

I want to know clear distinction between the first two parameters.
do_qflux_adj and  do_restore_sst. Suppose if I want to run regcm with slab
ocean model, what parameters should be set to true.

Umakanth U
Jr. Research Fellow
National Atmospheric research laboratory.
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