[RegCNET] ZERO values in rsnl and rsnlcl when using RRTM + CLM45

chao.tang chao.tang at univ-reunion.fr
Mon Apr 13 07:45:29 CEST 2015

Hello all,

I was running RegCM- wich CLM45, when and only when I use RRTM,
They’re two variables having zero values : 

1. rsnl : Surface net upward longwave flux 
2. rsnscl : Clearsky surface net downward shortwave flux

For example, rsnl:
[☃ 09:02 ~]>> ncks  -v rsnl EIN15_RAD.2001110100.monmean.nc | head -n 50
rsnl: type NC_DOUBLE, 3 dimensions, 5 attributes, chunked? no, compressed? no, packed? no
rsnl size (RAM) = 2*87*221*sizeof(NC_DOUBLE) = 38454*8 = 307632 bytes
rsnl dimension 0: time, size = 2 NC_DOUBLE (Record coordinate is time)
rsnl dimension 1: y, size = 87 (Non-coordinate dimension)
rsnl dimension 2: x, size = 221 (Non-coordinate dimension)
rsnl attribute 0: long_name, size = 32 NC_CHAR, value = Surface net upward longwave flux
rsnl attribute 1: standard_name, size = 32 NC_CHAR, value = surface_net_upward_longwave_flux
rsnl attribute 2: units, size = 5 NC_CHAR, value = W m-2
rsnl attribute 3: coordinates, size = 9 NC_CHAR, value = xlon xlat
rsnl attribute 4: cell_methods, size = 12 NC_CHAR, value = time: point

time: type NC_DOUBLE, 1 dimension, 2 attributes, chunked? no, compressed? no, packed? no
time size (RAM) = 2*sizeof(NC_DOUBLE) = 2*8 = 16 bytes
time dimension 0: time, size = 2 NC_DOUBLE (Record coordinate is time)
time attribute 0: units, size = 31 NC_CHAR, value = hours since 1949-12-01 00:00:00
time attribute 1: calendar, size = 8 NC_CHAR, value = standard

xlat: type NC_FLOAT, 2 dimensions, 4 attributes, chunked? no, compressed? no, packed? no
xlat size (RAM) = 87*221*sizeof(NC_FLOAT) = 19227*4 = 76908 bytes
xlat dimension 0: y, size = 87 (Non-coordinate dimension)
xlat dimension 1: x, size = 221 (Non-coordinate dimension)
xlat attribute 0: long_name, size = 24 NC_CHAR, value = Latitude on Cross Points
xlat attribute 1: units, size = 13 NC_CHAR, value = degrees_north
xlat attribute 2: standard_name, size = 8 NC_CHAR, value = latitude
xlat attribute 3: _CoordinateAxisType, size = 3 NC_CHAR, value = Lat

xlon: type NC_FLOAT, 2 dimensions, 4 attributes, chunked? no, compressed? no, packed? no
xlon size (RAM) = 87*221*sizeof(NC_FLOAT) = 19227*4 = 76908 bytes
xlon dimension 0: y, size = 87 (Non-coordinate dimension)
xlon dimension 1: x, size = 221 (Non-coordinate dimension)
xlon attribute 0: long_name, size = 25 NC_CHAR, value = Longitude on Cross Points
xlon attribute 1: units, size = 12 NC_CHAR, value = degrees_east
xlon attribute 2: standard_name, size = 9 NC_CHAR, value = longitude
xlon attribute 3: _CoordinateAxisType, size = 3 NC_CHAR, value = Lon

time[0]=455831 y[0] x[0] rsnl[0]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[1] rsnl[1]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[2] rsnl[2]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[3] rsnl[3]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[4] rsnl[4]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[5] rsnl[5]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[6] rsnl[6]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[7] rsnl[7]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[8] rsnl[8]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[9] rsnl[9]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[10] rsnl[10]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[11] rsnl[11]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[12] rsnl[12]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[13] rsnl[13]=-0 W m-2
time[0]=455831 y[0] x[14] rsnl[14]=-0 W m-2
other variables in RAD file are fine with reasonable non-zero values.

And using RRTM Without CLM45 or CCM with/without CLM45 simulations work well.

Does anyone have any idea?

namelist.in file is attached here.

Best regards,
Laboratoire d'Energétique, d'Electronique et Procédés 
Unité de Recherche EA 4079 
Université de La Réunion, LE2P
15 avenue René Cassin CS 92003
Mobile: 0693 91 57 38 <mailto:secretariat.le2p at univ-reunion.fr>
Courriel: chao.tang at univ-reunion.fr  <mailto:secretariat.le2p at univ-reunion.fr>

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