[RegCNET] CNRM-CM5 RCP8.5 run problem

merve acar merveacar.03 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 15:48:26 CET 2015

Dear RegCM Users,

I have encountered a problem about RegCM4.4 I want to run a future
simulations and use CNRM-CM5 RCP8.5 data for initial boundaries. I ran
terrain, sst and icbc, i havent seen any problem. But when i run the model,
a few minute later, i saw the fatal error which is below this paragraph. I
don't know how to fix this problem, so can you help me about this problem?

Simulation Methodology:

Ds= 50 km
Grell Cumulus Parametrization
Med_CORDEX domain


 JDay         0.00 solar declination angle = -23.15916964 degrees
                   solar TSI irradiance    =    1367.0000 W/m^2
 Convection has reached column top!
 Hydrostatic model cannot procede.
 Try decreasing horizontal resolution
 I mean increase ds!!!
 -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
  Fatal in file: mod_cu_grell.F90 at line:      327
 Abort called by computing node           30 at 2015-03-24 15:53:43.069
 Convection has reached column top!
 Hydrostatic model cannot procede.
 Try decreasing horizontal resolution
 I mean increase ds!!!

Thank you,
Best Regards

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