[RegCNET] chem_icbc error
Kahraman Oğuz
k.oguz50 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 17:00:10 CET 2015
Dear RegCM User's,
I try to run RegCM with dust activated. I downloaded aerosol data
(1970-2099) from this website:
http://clima-dods.ictp.it/data/d8/cordex/AERGLOB/RCP45/ and put it to
data/AERGLOB folder. I run terrain, sst ve icbc successfully, but I got
below error when i run chem_icbc. What is the problem? Could you please
help me?
Kahraman Oguz
Environmental Sciences (PhD candidate)
Gazi University
This is chem_icbc part of the RegCM version 4
SVN Revision: tag 4.3.4 compiled at: data : Nov 27 2014 time: 12:31:38
: this run start at : Tue Feb 17 13:38:00 2015
: it is submitted by : ikl004
: it is running on : iklim
: in directory : /iklim2/ikl04/GFDL_RF/RegCM-4.3.4/hg
GLOBIDATE1 : 1970-05-01 06:00:00 UTC
GLOBIDATE2 : 1970-06-01 06:00:00 UTC
NSTEPS : 125
*No such file or directory*
*mod_ae_icbc.F90 : 92:Error open aeid file: 2*
*abort: Fortran Abort Called*
! small European domain
iy = 130,
jx = 180,
kz = 18,
nsg = 1,
iproj = 'LAMCON',
ds = 20.0,
ptop = 5.0,
clat = 40.00,
clon = 30.00,
plat = 45.39,
plon = 13.48,
truelatl = 30.0,
truelath = 60.0,
i_band = 0,
domname = 'test_001',
smthbdy = .false.,
lakedpth = .false.,
fudge_lnd = .false.,
fudge_lnd_s = .false.,
fudge_tex = .false.,
fudge_tex_s = .false.,
ltexture = .true.,
dirter = './input',
inpter = './data',
ibyte = 4,
debug_level = 1,
dbgfrq = 3,
nspgx = 12,
nspgd = 12,
ibdyfrq = 6,
ssttyp = 'GF_RF',
dattyp = 'FNEST',
gdate1 = 1970050106, !=madate0=mdate1
gdate2 = 1970060106, !=mdate2
calendar = 'noleap',
dirglob = './input',
inpglob = './data',
lat0 = 0.0
lat1 = 0.0
lon0 = 0.0
lon1 = 0.0
aertyp = 'AER00D1'
ntr = 4,
nbin = 4,
ifrest = .false. ,
mdate0 = 1970050106,
mdate1 = 1970050106,
mdate2 = 1970060106,
dtrad = 30.,
dtabem = 18.,
dtsrf = 120.,
dt = 60.,
ifsave = .true. ,
savfrq = 7200.,
ifatm = .true. ,
atmfrq = 6.,
ifrad = .true. ,
radfrq = 6.,
ifsrf = .true. ,
ifsub = .true. ,
srffrq = 3.,
ifchem = .true.,
chemfrq = 6.,
iboudy = 5,
ibltyp = 1,
icup = 2,
igcc = 1,
ipptls = 1,
iocnflx = 2,
ipgf = 0,
iemiss = 1,
lakemod = 0,
ichem = 1,
scenario = 'A1B',
idcsst = 0,
iseaice = 0,
idesseas = 1,
iconvlwp = 1,
fcmax = 0.80,
qck1land = .250E-04,
qck1oce = .500E-03,
rh0oce = 0.70,
rh0land = 0.80,
cevap = .100E-02,
gulland = 1,
guloce = 0.2,
&tc0 = -250.0,
cftotmax = 1.20,
shrmax = 0.4,
edtmax = 0.4,
edtmaxo = 0.4,
edtmaxx = 0.4,
shrmax_ocn = 0.4,
edtmax_ocn = 0.4,
edtmaxo_ocn = 0.4,
edtmaxx_ocn = 0.4,
shrmin = 0.1,
edtmin = 0.1,
edtmino = 0.1,
edtminx = 0.1,
shrmin_ocn = 0.1,
edtmin_ocn = 0.1,
edtmino_ocn = 0.1,
edtminx_ocn = 0.1,
elcrit = 0.0011D0,
coeffr = 1.0D0,
chemsimtype = 'DUST',
ichdrdepo = 1,
idirect = 2,
dirclm = '/set/this/to/where/your/input/clm/data/are',
imask = 1,
clmfrq = 12.,
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