[RegCNET] Fwd: How do I run NCAR CCSM4 RCP's simulations?

Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu (BE) u.utku.turuncoglu at be.itu.edu.tr
Thu Feb 5 15:32:17 CET 2015

Hi Merve,

As i know, RegCM does not support CMIP5 CESM (or CCSM) model but to be 
sure you can go and look at the code.


it can give information about it. If it is not supported, you have to 
modify one of the CMIP5 model interface to work with CESM model. Of 
course, it needs little bit work.


On 05/02/15 16:26, merve acar wrote:
> Dear RegCM Users,
> I have encountered a problem about RegCM4. I want to run a future 
> simulations and use NCAR CCSM4 RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 data for initial 
> boundaries. I downloaded data, but i couldn't see CCSM4_45 or CCSM4_85 
> dattyp options in namelist. If it is possible, Can you help me about 
> this problem?
> dattyp = 'EIN15',   ! Type of global analysis datasets used
>                              !  One in: ECMWF, ERA40, EIN75, EIN15, EIN25,
>                              !          ERAHI, NNRP1, NNRP2, NRP2W, GFS11,
>                              !          FVGCM, FNEST, EH5RF, EH5A2, EH5B1,
>                              !          EHA1B, CCSMN, ECEXY, CA_XX, HA_XX,
>                              !          EC_XX, IP_XX, GF_XX, CN_XX, MP_XX
> Thank you.
> Best Regards,
> Merve
> -- 
> /
> /
> /Merve ACAR/
> /
> /
> /Meteoroloji Y. Mühendisi/
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