[RegCNET] Fwd: Call for papers: "Land-Atmosphere interactions" at the joint, AGU/CGU Assembly (3-7 May, 2015)

Graziano Giuliani ggiulian at ictp.it
Tue Jan 13 09:13:43 CET 2015

is it possible for you to forward the call to the regcnet email



Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the session on "Land-Atmosphere
interactions: observations and modelling" at the upcoming 2015 joint
AGU/CGU Assembly (3-7 May, 2015), which will be held in Montreal,
Canada. The web page for the session is


and the session description appears at the end of this email.

*Please note that the abstract deadline is 14 January 2015. *

Please don't hesitate to contact us, if you need more information. We
look forward to your contributions to the session!

Best regards,

Session conveners:

Gulilat Tefera Diro
Laxmi Sushama
Patrick Samuelsson
Alvaro Montenegro

Session Title: Land-Atmosphere Interactions: from models and observations.

Session Description:

The increased recognition of the importance of land-atmosphere
interactions and feedbacks in modulating regional climate has led to
several studies on this aspect in recent years. Some of these studies,
using climate models, demonstrated that land-atmosphere interactions can
amplify climate extremes such as heat waves and heavy precipitation
events. Given the complex nature of the underlying processes involved in
land-atmosphere interactions, more research is required, including
studies focussed on the projected changes to these interactions in a
future warmer climate. The aim of this session is to bring together both
observational and modelling studies investigating various aspects of
land-atmosphere interactions.

The session encourages presentations on topics related to:

- Land-atmosphere interactions in the context of land cover change,
climate variability/change

- Role of soil moisture, vegetation, snow on surface energy/water
budgets and on climate

- Importance of land surface memory and initialization for sub-seasonal
to seasonal prediction


H - Hydrology

Index Terms:

1843 Land/atmosphere interactions [HYDROLOGY]

3322 Land/atmosphere interactions [ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSES]

Graziano Giuliani - Earth System Physics Section
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11 - I - 34151 Trieste Italy

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