[RegCNET] Remider: EGU2015, session CL5.8 Regional climate modeling, including CORDEX. deadline 7 Jan 2015]

GIORGI FILIPPO giorgi at ictp.it
Sun Jan 4 18:37:12 CET 2015

Dear RegCNETers

We apologize for cross posting,

this email is to remind you of the session at the upcoming EGU 2015

CL5.8 regional climate modeling, including CORDEX.

In the last 5 years we had very exciting sessions, with the largest number
of submitted abstracts among the climate sessions at EGU. We hope we can
continue this record, especially as regional modeling and CORDEX are
growing and becoming increasingly important components of climate change
and VIA research. We thus encourage you to submit an abstract to the
session, remembering that the deadline is 7 January 2015, only three days
away, so do not wait until the very last minute.

with our very best regards and best wishes for a happy 2015

Filippo Giorgi and Ray Arritt

# Filippo Giorgi, Head                                         #
# Earth System Physics Section                                 #
# The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics #
# P.O. BOX 586, (Strada Costiera 11 for courier mail)          #
# 34100 Trieste, ITALY                                         #
# Phone: + 39 040 2240 425                                     #
# Fax: + 39 040  2240 449                                      #
# email: giorgi at ictp.it                                        #

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