[RegCNET] snow balance error

Константин Макушев makushevkm at mail.ru
Mon Oct 13 12:26:41 CEST 2014

 Dear all,

We've made simulaions with RegCM/CLM4.5 over West Siberia domain and faced a problem of extremely overstimated winter soil temperatures in CLM output. This problem had already appears, when we used RegCM/CLM3, and I didn't found a solution. But in the new version there are interesting strings in error logs, like:

WARNING: snow balance error 
ktau = 18509
indexc = 5579
ctype = 65
ltype = 6
errh2osno = 4.7483972118849901E-005
WARNING: snow balance error 
ktau = 20549
indexc = 1164
ctype = 65
ltype = 6
errh2osno = 1.0200606196661135E-002

etc. I suppose, that snow balance error can leads to overestimated temperature, but have no idea, how to fix it. 

Give me some advice, please, or tell if it's better to redirect it to CLM community. 
Thanks for any help.

Konstantin Makushev
Altai State University 
Barnaul, Russian Federation
makushevkm at mail.ru
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